If the traditional wedding bouquet is boring to you and you’d prefer something different. Then how about trying out black wedding flowers? With such a bold and moody color, you’re sure to get all the difference that you need.
So, if you’re looking for something truly unique, you may not need to look far. We’ve put together a variety of ideas on how to use black wedding flowers for your special day.
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What black flowers choose for wedding decorations?
You can choose black Dahlia, pansy, lily, roses, or calla lily. Though black flowers might be quirky, they would be sure to add an artistic element to your wedding look.
Black Boutonnieres For Your Big Day
Floral boutonnieres can be a nice touch for a wedding. And, if you are looking for a subtle and yet significant way of using black flowers at your wedding, then black wedding bouquets and boutonnieres are a good idea. Consider a single black bloom or even a combination of black and deep purple for that striking and spectacular wedding boutonniere.
Black Floral Centerpieces
Fresh black flowers such as bat orchids, Odessa calla lilies, violas, and petunias can be pretty expensive, and not as easy to source as other colored blooms. So, while black floral centerpieces would be fabulous for a dark-themed wedding, sometimes alternatives are just as good. For alternative black wedding flower centerpieces, you could consider artificial black flowers or black-dyed dried flowers.
Beautiful Black Bouquets
There’s no denying the beauty of black wedding flower bouquets. The dark hues of such bouquets make them stand out from the backdrop of the white wedding dress and they are hard to miss. Such eye-catching wedding bouquets can be created with dark blooms such as black violas, black roses, black lilies, and black petunias.
While some of these blooms are much closer to dark reds or purples. They would give you the overall dark look that you desire for fabulous black wedding flower bouquets.
Black Arch Ideas
One of our top favorite black wedding flower ideas is the black wedding arch. If you want a wedding arch that will stand out at your wedding venue and in pictures, this is one option worthy of consideration. Create elaborate black bouquets in metallic vases around the wedding arch in a dark, lush, gorgeous design.
Wedding Cake Flowers In Black
Your wedding cake doesn’t have to be left out of your dark wedding theme. If you much prefer a pure white wedding cake with black flower decorations, there are a number of ways to achieve that. You could go with black sugar flowers arranged in a cascade from one layer to the other on the cake. Another option is to use organic black flowers such as lionheart tango lilies, or black petunias. The flowers can also be arranged in a wreath surrounding the base of the cake.
Black Ceremony Flowers
There are many ways to incorporate black flower arrangements at your wedding ceremony. Apart from the bridal bouquet, these dramatic blooms can be used to decorate the sides of the wedding aisle in a beautiful display. They can also mark the entrance of the wedding venue, arranged in decorative vases of all sizes. Florals of dark foliage, black pansies, black and purple feathers, black petunias, and even some greenery can be used in these floral décor options.
Whether you’re having a classic, vintage, casual, or even Gothic wedding, there are several ways to implement black wedding flowers to fit with your wedding theme perfectly. Discover the floral options that would best suit your special day. And bringing that extra touch of uniqueness and taste to such a memorable occasion.