Christian Wedding Vows: Meaningful Promises of Love

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If you are having a Christian wedding, then you will no doubt need Christian wedding vows that are based on principles and scriptures of your faith. Godly wedding vows that would reflect the personality of you and your spouse and the beliefs that will hold your union together.


There is no specific template for Christ-centered wedding vows, however, the usual traditional vows can be tweaked to fit with your vision for your wedding and your marriage. To guide you in writing your modern Christian wedding vows in a way that is meaningful to your relationship and your faith, check out our guide on writing personal Christian wedding vows.

Brides Often Ask

Why Are Vows Important In A Christian Wedding?

Whether you are writing your own vows or using traditional Christian vows, the importance of wedding vows cannot be underestimated in a Christian wedding. Promises that you make to your partner, founded on the Christian principles that you believe in, are what give meaning to your wedding in the first place. After which your marriage can be blessed by the minister.

What Does The Bible Say About Wedding Vows?

Traditional wedding vows are not in the Bible, but they are based on biblical principles. Using these principles, you can either tweak the traditional vows to fit your union or write your own completely unique marriage vows. Marriage, according to Genesis 2:24, is two becoming one. Another chapter in the Bible talks about love, submission, and unity, being necessary for this union.


Examples Of Wedding Vows

When writing your wedding vows, you could decide on something slightly different from the norm, like contemporary Christian wedding vows, or something completely personalized, it’s up to you. As long as it is based on the principles of Christianity, and you speak from your heart to your partner, then you will have nothing to worry about. Below are sample biblical wedding vows that can guide you.



Traditional Christian Wedding Vows

Finding traditional Christian wedding vows is not a difficult feat. At this point, what would matter is your denomination, and what is normally used by your minister at your place of worship. For guidance in using the wedding vows traditional, you can consult with your church minister or designated wedding officiant.

“I _____, take you ______, to be my wedded wife/husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.”

“I love you _____ as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband/wife through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever.”

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Biblical Wedding Vows Examples

Biblical wedding vows are no doubt based on the Bible. These vows will be heavily based on your love for each other, and the Biblical principles that keep you both steadfast in your beliefs. A few quotes or Bible passages will go a long way in giving more meaning to these vows.

“Let the husband render unto the wife due to benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.”

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; and it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”



Personalized Christian Wedding Vows For Him

It is not out of place to write personalized wedding vows for a Christian ceremony. If you want to write personalized wedding vows to your partner, there is no rule that stops you. You also do not have to recite the exact same words to each other.

“______, I love you, I prayed that God would lead me to his choice. And I praise Him that tonight His will is being fulfilled. Through the pressures of the present and uncertainties of the future, I promise my faithfulness, to follow you through all of life’s experiences as you follow God, that together we may grow in the likeness of Christ and our home be a praise to Him.”

“I, _______, take you, _______, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.”

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Examples Of Christian Wedding Vows For Her

If you are keen on writing Christian wedding vows for her, then you might be leaning more towards more personalized than traditional wedding vows. Certain verses in the Bible would be helpful, and if you prefer romantic Christian wedding vows, you might want to search verses from the Songs of Solomon.

“______, I love you. Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer. This day like a dream come true the Lord Himself has answered that prayer. For today, ______, you as my joy become my crown. I thank Jesus for the honor of going through the time with you. Thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promises of God, I will care for you, honor and protect you. I lay down my life for you, _____, my friend and my love. Today I give me to you.”

“I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my husband: to have and to hold, from this day forward.”



Modern Christian Wedding Vows

Modern Christian wedding vows are usually like traditional Christian wedding vows, but with a spin. Couples prefer to customize their vows to fit with the message they have for each other and with their personality. Each couple is different, and sometimes, so should their vows.

Searching for the ideal wedding vows? Discover the heartfelt creations of All Speeches Great and Small, a specialist in crafting modern Christian wedding vows that beautifully capture your love story and faith, ensuring your promises resonate on your special day.

“_____, I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths. And I will help you when you need help and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.”

“I, _____, take you, _____, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. And I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man/woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

In Sickness and In Health Vows

I, [Your Name], take you, [Partner’s Name], to be my beloved spouse. I promise to love you unconditionally, to stand by your side in joy and in sorrow, in plenty and in want, in laughter and in tears. I vow to care for you, to support you, and to cherish you in sickness and in health, all the days of my life. With God as our foundation, I will remain faithful, loving, and devoted to you, no matter what challenges we may face. This is my solemn vow.


5 Powerful Christian Wedding Vows

Biblical Commitment Vow

I take you as my beloved, to love, honor, and cherish, as Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 5:25). Through joy and sorrow, I will remain faithful, trusting in God’s plan for our marriage.

Faith-Centered Vow

Before God and these witnesses, I vow to stand by you, love you, and seek God’s guidance in our marriage. May our love reflect His grace, patience, and eternal commitment.

Unconditional Love Vow

I promise to love you with a love that is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Through every season of life, I will stand beside you, honoring our sacred bond.


God’s Strength Vow

With Christ as our foundation, I promise to walk with you in faith, encourage you in times of trial, and celebrate with you in times of joy. Together, we will build a marriage rooted in God’s love.

Lifelong Covenant Vow

I vow to love, honor, and serve you as my partner, always putting God first. With Him as our guide, I will be faithful and true, seeking His wisdom for our marriage every day.

Christian wedding vows are a sacred promise before God, reflecting love, faith, and commitment. These traditional marriage vows are inspired by marriage vows in the Bible, emphasizing lifelong devotion, patience, and God’s guidance. Whether you seek scripture-based vows or heartfelt personal promises, these powerful wedding vows will help you honor your covenant with faith and love.

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How to Write Christian Wedding Vows

What are wedding vows?

Wedding vows are sacred promises exchanged by a couple, expressing their commitment, love, and faith in their marriage journey. In a Christian marriage, vows are not just words but a covenant before God, reflecting biblical principles of love, devotion, and unity.

Steps to Write Meaningful Christian Wedding Vows

  • Understand What Vows Are
    What are vows? They are lifelong commitments made before God and witnesses, promising faithfulness, love, and support in all circumstances.
  • Pray for Guidance
    Seek God’s wisdom in writing vows that reflect your faith, love, and devotion in your Christian marriage.
  • Include Biblical Inspiration
    Use scripture to strengthen your vows (e.g., 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – “Love is patient, love is kind…”).
  • Make It Personal and Genuine
    Express why you love your partner and how your faith strengthens your relationship.
  • Promise Lifelong Commitment
    Vow to love, honor, and cherish your spouse through all of life’s challenges and blessings.
  • Keep It Clear and Meaningful
    Avoid overly complex language—your vows should be heartfelt and easy to remember.
  • Practice and Perfect
    Read your vows aloud and make adjustments to ensure they flow naturally and feel authentic.

By following these steps, you can create Christian wedding vows that honor God and celebrate your lifelong commitment to your partner.

Write the best Christian wedding vows to your partner, for this most significant day of your life, using these tips and samples for your inspiration.