Crafting the Perfect Groom Speech: Tips, Examples, and Inspiration

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Everyone eagerly awaits the groom’s speech at the wedding, making it crucial. While celebrating love is easy, preparing a speech often isn’t, with grooms often procrastinating out of panic. Whether shy or pressed for time, we’ve got you covered. See our Post for the best groom wedding speeches tips and ideas ever.


Groom Speech Examples

In the groom’s speech at a wedding, he blends humor and sincerity, thanking everyone, including those absent. Special mentions go to his new father-in-law, bridesmaids, maid of honor, bride’s mother, and his groomsmen, especially the best man. He concludes with a heartfelt toast to his beloved, expressing deep love, gratitude, and commitment.

My speech today will be like a mini-skirt.
Long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to hold your attention.

Apparently, it’s my job to do all the thank you’s, so on behalf of my lovely new wife and I, the biggest thank-you goes to all of you for coming. The day would not have been the same without you and neither would my bank balance! But on a serious note, it is lovely to see so many of you here. Particularly those of you who have had to travel many miles.

Amy and I would like to thank our parents for all the love and support both emotional and financial they have given us.
And a special thank-you to Vanessa who is responsible for making our fantastic wedding cake. Sharon, Sue, Vanessa, Ray, Steve
We’d also like to thank Darren for his services as the best man today and of course our ushers. You’ve all done a grand job. Darren, Mark, Jon, Jim, Adam

That brings me onto our bridesmaids. Thank you all for your help and for being there for Amy through the ups and downs of wedding planning! I’m sure everyone will agree that you all look stunning today. Nina, Laura, Charlotte, Kirsty, Fiona, Lillie, Jordan, and Emily.

Finally, I would personally like to thank my lovely wife, Amy, for having me as her husband!
I read somewhere that “You don’t marry the person you can live with, you marry the person you cannot live without”. Well, we’ve lived together for five years and I know I’ve married the right person. I’m so glad I can at last call you my wife.
Now all that remains is for me to say please enjoy the rest of the day…… and mine’s a foster!

………..Good evening ladies, gentlemen, family, and friends. First of all, I must say a big “thank you” to Colin for his kind words. His speech was so good, he’s going to do mine for me too.

As many of you will know, I am of the shy retiring type that likes to keep quiet and keep my opinions to myself, therefore you can understand my nervousness at standing up here in front of all of you making a speech. And as many of you will also know, I’m also a compulsive liar, but I am still nervous, that bit is true. I have been fearful of this bit for weeks, and as you can imagine, this isn’t the first time today I have arisen from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand.

I read while researching wedding speeches that a good speech has a good beginning and a good ending. But the best speech of all is one that keeps these close together. So I will try and keep this as short as possible and will try my best not to do a “Gwinny” with my list of thanks.

Firstly I would like to thank any Rangers fans for still being here and not walking out at 4.30 as usual. Pause for cheers But then again, I don’t think we’re friends with any of them anyway.

I would like to thank my parents, Ian and Margaret for all the help they have given me over the years, if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here now. So, Helen, if it doesn’t work out you know who to blame.
I would also like to thank Helen’s parents, Colin and Sandra, for making me feel like the son they never wanted, sorry the son they never had, right from day 2. Day 1 was a bit rough, but hey, they’re over it now……….

………….On a serious note, I’d firstly like to say a big thank you to my new Dad Dave.
I’m proud to be his son-in-law and hope I can live up to his expectations, which should be easy, compared to his other son Mick! But let us not take this Father, Son thing too seriously, as I’m not into 10-mile runs before breakfast like you were in the Paras.
Both Sharon and I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for coming here today and sharing this special occasion with us.

Especially those who brought expensive presents. Its much appreciated!
Thank you to Edwin and Elsa, Margaret and Linda and many others who have traveled a long way to be here. It’s certainly a long way from Brighouse! We hope you all enjoy the day, have fun, relax and be merry…………….


Groom Rehearsal Dinner Speech

Congratulations on your upcoming groom speech at the wedding rehearsal dinner! Here are three tips to help you craft a memorable and meaningful speech:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for a short and sweet groom speech. Keep it under five minutes to engage your guests without losing their attention.
  • Personalize it: Share personal stories and anecdotes about how you met, what you love about your fiancé, and what makes your relationship special. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions.
  • Thank your guests: Express your gratitude to those who supported you during the wedding planning. Thank your guests for being a part of your special day.

Here’s an example of a groom rehearsal dinner speech that incorporates these three tips:

Good evening everyone, and thank you for joining us on this special night. I want to start by thanking our parents, who have been there for us every step of the way. Your love and support mean the world to us.

I also want to thank our friends and family who have traveled from near and far to be here with us. We feel incredibly blessed to have you in our lives.

As we sit here tonight, I can’t help but reflect on how lucky I am to have found my soulmate in [bride’s name]. I knew from the moment I met her that she was the one for me. Her kindness, intelligence, and beauty continue to amaze me every day.

[Optional: insert a personal anecdote here]

[Optional: insert a joke or humorous story here]

As we prepare to start this new chapter of our lives together, I am filled with gratitude and joy. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.


The Great Groom Speech Template

Here’s a groom speech at wedding template that will help you create a winning speech with ease.

  • Thank the guests
    Say a heartfelt thanks to the guests for leaving their busy schedules to honor you on your big day. Many of them sacrificed time, money, work, and even their safety to come all the way because they love you. Say thank you, mean it, and crack a joke. This is also the time to distribute little gifts or wedding favors to the guests.
  • Say some words about the bride
    Gush about the woman of the moment. Let the guests feel your joy at getting married to the love of your life. Talk about what attracted you to her, what she means to you, and reiterate your vows. You may also seal this part of your speech with a kiss and watch her blush.
  • Share a memorable story
    Getting to your wedding day was a long journey and there are stories that bind you. Let the guests know the beautiful way you met, and share sweet memories, funny ones, and romantic events. If both of you have a favorite song, pick a line from it and incorporate it into your speech. Avoid near break-up situations, forgiveness for some errors, or unpleasant situations that happened in your relationship.
  • Share your impressions about the day
    Recount something beautiful about your wedding day. Maybe talk about how the sun shined bright because it knows an angel got married today. Talk about the beautiful reception, cake, or decor. Just incorporate something from the present.
  • Say some words about the best man
    Your best man is arguably one of your strongest support systems throughout wedding planning. Give him some accolades in your speech. Talk about how you met and him being your main man through life. Appreciate him sincerely and even take a friendly jab at him.
  • Thank your parents
    There is no better time to tell everyone how awesome your parents are. Talk about the bride’s parents too because you’re family now. Thank both families for being in your corner and promise to always behave. That will get in a few laughs.
  • Close with a toast
    Finish your speech with a toast to your wife, parents, guests, love, and happiness.


Groom Speech Tips

Many grooms often find themselves confused when trying to write their groom speech at the wedding. In the days leading up to the big event, they might go into a fit of panic because they have no idea what to write. When crafting a groom speech, it’s important to focus on the introduction, body, and conclusion. You want to captivate the guests right from the beginning of your groom speech, keep them engaged throughout, and conclude with a memorable and impactful finish.

The speech tips below are simple, concise and will give answers to all your questions.

  • Prepare your mind and calm your nerves for the speech.
  • Run speech by your best man to sieve out off liners.
  • Make eye contact with everyone.
  • Address the audience as a couple. Include your wife.
  • Do away with vulgar words or jokes.
  • Include the decent but minimal amount of humor.
  • Don’t forget to thank your parents and in-laws
  • Always throw some compliments the way of your wife and make the core of your speech.
  • Dedicate some part of your speech to your wife. She is the main focus.
  • Make the last toast go to your wife.
  • Make your speech heartfelt and let your personality shine through.


What Not to Say in the Groom Speech

A perfect speech will give you unending applause from everyone. But a bad speech? The disasters are too much to mention. You will have in-laws getting pissed at you, the bridesmaids coming for your head. Your best man gunning to have you quartered and your wife preparing to give you hell.

To avoid the later and all other unforeseen ills that could happen with a badly given speech, here are some don’ts to the rescue.


  • Don’t build your speech around anyone else but your wife.
  • Don’t include vulgar words or insensitive jokes.
  • Don’t take too much time making your speech. 5-10 minutes is enough.
  • Don’t forget to introduce your best man and compliments the bridesmaids.
  • Don’t forget to make your last toast to the bride.


Groom Wedding Speech Jokes

Adding a touch of humor to your groom speech can lighten the mood and make your speech memorable. Well-placed jokes can bring smiles and laughter, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere. Here are five examples of jokes that are perfect for a groom speech at a wedding:

  • The Proposal Mishap:

    When I proposed, I got down on one knee and almost didn’t get back up. She said yes, probably out of pity for my lack of athleticism!

  • Marriage Advice:

    They say marriage is when a man and woman become one. The trouble starts when they try to decide which one!

  • The First Date Disaster:

    On our first date, I was so nervous that I spilled coffee all over myself. I guess I wanted to make a hot impression!

  • In-Laws Humor:

    I’d like to thank my new in-laws for raising such an amazing woman. And for not mentioning my tendency to leave the toilet seat up… yet!

  • Wedding Planning Stress:

    Planning this wedding was a lot like cooking for the first time – a bit messy, a lot of trial and error, and in the end, totally worth it!

Groom Wedding Toast Ideas

The groom’s wedding toast is quite numerous, most of which he will give as he makes his speech. For every stage he concludes in his speech, there is a toast. A toast to the father-in-law, to his best man, to the bridesmaids, to the guests present, and many more. The most important toast is to his wife and both of them as a couple.


To the father of the bride

“Let us toast to my father in law for raising and giving me this beautiful woman. For being a wonderful father to her, although I’m taking over. For accepting me as a son……. “

To the best man

“To my right-hand man for being there all the way. For taking time off work to make all things ready for my big day. For all the sacrifices you made from way back until now. For being my best friend in the real sense and too many more years as friends…..a toast to my best man (insert name)”


Toast To the guests

“A toast to you wonderful people. You are all amazing. Thanks for being here today and sharing in our joy. To many more years of celebration and happiness………. “

To the bride

“Whoever thought this angelic beauty seated here will be mine? Let’s all make a toast to my heartthrob, whose smile lightens my world. A toast to you baby, for all you are, for all you’ll be. To us, to life, to our love, to your happiness, too many blissful years with me, to our future, to forever…………”

Frequently Asked Questions

What should the groom say in his speech?

The groom’s speech typically includes gratitude, compliments to the bride, thanks to guests, and a toast.

What should the groom say at the rehearsal dinner?

The groom at the rehearsal dinner can express appreciation to those involved, share anecdotes, and convey excitement for the upcoming wedding.

How Long Should A Groom’s Speech Be?

A groom’s speech typically lasts around 5 to 10 minutes. It should be long enough to express gratitude, share anecdotes, and convey heartfelt sentiments, but short enough to maintain guests’ interest and keep the overall flow of the wedding reception.

Thank you all again for being here tonight. Let’s raise a glass to love, laughter, and happily ever after!
The groom’s speech is one of the most anticipated speeches at a wedding. It doesn’t need such long preparation but could flop if you don’t get the hang of it. Give the best groom speech at wedding ever with the tips, ideas, and templates we’ve curated in this post. Speak from the heart, let your love shine, add some humor and you’re home free.