Crafting the Perfect Sister of the Bride Speech: A Heartfelt Guide

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In the grand tapestry of a wedding day, the role of the sister of the bride is a poignant thread, weaving together shared memories and the promise of a beautiful future. This unique position carries the honor of offering heartfelt sentiments and creating a lasting imprint on the joyous occasion. Today, we explore the art of crafting the perfect sister of the bride speech.


Sister Of The Bride Speech Examples To Find Inspiration

There are no hard and fast rules for writing wedding speeches. However, whether you’re looking for younger or older sister of the bride speech samples, the basics are the same.

Start with an introduction, share your memories and emotions for your sister, talk about family and the groom, and don’t forget to toast the bride.

Hello everyone! I think most of those present here know me personally, but for those who see me today for the first time – my name is _ and I am the younger sister of _.
_ has always been a great example for me in life and today is the day when my heart is full of joy and pride at the same time – today she is a bride! Look how beautiful she is, what a magical dress she has, and what a beautiful wedding, it’s just a fairy tale, the dream of every girl. I remember how in childhood we talked about our ideal weddings, and you know, today everything is exactly as _ wanted!

What can I say about the groom? He is every girl’s dream too! A smart, handsome guy, _ you are very lucky!
I wish you many sunny days together, many bright emotions, and incredible happiness!
Let’s raise our glasses to our newlyweds!

Hey! My name is _ and I am the younger sister of our charming bride.
I have never liked public speaking and I confess to all of you that I am very nervous right now. I rewrote my speech at least 5 times and today I again wanted to make some changes to it. In the end, I forgot it at home.
But nothing! At least something I’ve remembered.
I would like to tell you that my sister is just an incredible person – she is the kindest and nicest person I know, mom and dad, I’m sorry. All girls dream of meeting their prince and _’s dreams have come true!
It’s just incredible, we are so happy, our whole family! _, now I have not only a sister, but also a brother!
Let’s raise our glasses and wish our newlyweds to live at least a hundred years together in idyll and happiness.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who is here with us today, on such a special day for my little sister, me, and our family. This is very valuable because I know that some guests flew to us from other countries!
_ you are incredibly beautiful! I have a question for our guests – do you know that the dress that you can see on her today – she drew it herself and created it together with wedding couturiers? Yes, yes, my sister is also so talented. This dress took 6 long months to be done and I think we all have a few new gray hairs, but this masterpiece is worth it!
_, what can I say, welcome to our family! Love my sister, be her support, and make her the happiest woman in the world!

Good day to all of you! I am so happy today because my little sister got married.
I remember how we discussed our future ideal husbands when we were kids and she always said that she wanted to marry a man in uniform. and as we can see, she married a fireman! Now we all know that dreams come true, it all depends on how much we believe in them!
I don’t even have any doubts that this is her destiny! I don’t even have doubts that these two are made for each other! From the first moment they met, no one had any doubts that one day we will all be here!
Be happy and give birth to many, many children! Cheers!


Younger Sister Wedding Speech Examples

Find heartfelt and memorable sister wedding speeches perfect for a younger sister. Discover tips and examples to craft a touching sister speech at a wedding, celebrating love and family.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the proud younger sister of our beautiful bride, [Bride’s Name]. I’ve been looking forward to this day for so long, and now that it’s here, I’m filled with joy, excitement, and a few butterflies in my stomach.

Growing up with [Bride’s Name] has been an incredible journey. From our childhood adventures, where we imagined ourselves as princesses in our own fairytales, to our late-night talks about our dreams and aspirations, she has always been my role model and best friend. She has shown me what it means to be kind, loving, and resilient.

[Bride’s Name], you have found your prince in [Groom’s Name]. Watching your relationship grow has been a true inspiration. The love and respect you share are evident in every glance, every touch, and every word. You two complement each other perfectly, and it’s clear that you are meant to be.

[Groom’s Name], thank you for making my sister so happy. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother-in-law. Your warmth, humor, and unwavering support mean the world to us. I’m excited to see the wonderful life you will build together.

To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and countless beautiful moments. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!


Older Sister Wedding Speech Examples

For wedding speeches for sister, an older sister holds a special place, blending warmth, wisdom, and memories into heartfelt celebrations, advice, and cherished moments of love and pride.

Good evening, everyone!

For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the proud older sister of our beautiful bride, [Bride’s Name]. Standing here today, I am overwhelmed with love and joy as we celebrate this special moment in [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]’s lives.

[Bride’s Name], from the moment you came into this world, you’ve brought so much light and happiness into our family. Growing up, I always admired your kindness, your strength, and your ability to make everyone around you feel special. You’ve been my confidant, my partner in crime, and my best friend. Today, seeing you marry the love of your life, I couldn’t be prouder.

[Groom’s Name], you are everything I could have hoped for in a partner for my sister. Your love, patience, and unwavering support for her have been a joy to witness. I see the way you look at her, with so much love and admiration, and I know that you will take great care of her heart. Thank you for making her so incredibly happy.

As you both embark on this new journey together, I wish you a life filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Cherish each other, support each other, and always remember the love that brought you here today. Marriage is a beautiful partnership, and I have no doubt that together, you will create a lifetime of wonderful memories.

To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your days be filled with joy and your nights be filled with laughter. Here’s to a beautiful future together. Cheers!

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Wedding Speech Tips For Sister Of The Bride

Meet the expert
Amanda Layton
Expertise: Wedding Vow & Speech Writer
I love when people tell me, “You literally took everything I wanted to say and made it sound good!”

You’re an overwhelmed Sister of the Bride who has a ton of great stories about the Bride, but zero idea which one(s) to pick for your wedding speech.

Deep breaths! Here’s how you can write a compelling Sister-of-the-Bride speech in 3 easy steps.


Step 1 – Brainstorm Your Favorite Memories With The Bride

It’s totally normal to feel stuck when writing a speech, but the way to get unstuck is by brainstorming and doing what writers like to call “word vomiting”. Word vomiting means that you are going to write everything that comes to mind when you think about your sister and the life you two have shared together without caring how it sounds at first.

Remember that now is not the time to start editing what you’ve already written. Editing comes later.The point of this step is to get your favorite and most impactful memories down on paper or typed out in a Word Document.

Here are some questions to think about…

  • What is your favorite memory with your sister?
  • How has the Bride positively impacted your life?
  • Why are you proud of her?
  • Why do you think she will make a great wife?

After you’ve written down everything you can possibly think of, it’s time to move on to Step 2!

Step 2 – Identify a Theme

When looking over everything that you’ve written down, what stands out the most about your sister, specifically what character trait stands out the most?

Is she loyal, adventurous, kind-hearted, generous, selfless, optimistic, resilient, hilarious, etc?

Once you have decided what it is, I want you to focus on your favorite story that highlights this particular character trait best and then use it for your speech!


Step 3 – Why Will She Make A Great Wife

Next, we want to connect this theme to the marriage, explaining why your sister’s positive character trait will benefit the groom.

So, let’s look at an example of a speech Amanda helped write.

I once worked with a Maid of Honor named Lindsey whose best friend, Michelle, was like her sister. They were basically joined at the hip from a young age and then ended up traveling the world together as adults.
We started noticing a theme about Michelle–she was very adventurous and always kept a positive attitude despite the crazy circumstances.

For example, one time they visited Thailand and went scuba diving, which sounds super fun, but then a nasty storm hit and it was actually a little scary.

“Michelle still made it fun because of her positive attitude,” Lindsey told me.

No matter what happens, Michelle still finds joy in whatever situation she is in!


To conclude Lindsey’s Maid of Honor Speech and tie it into Michelle’s marriage…

Here is what we wrote (specifically addressing the Groom): “We all know life is hard, but just know that when the storms come and the waves crash overhead, Michelle will be right by your side, reminding you to just keep swimming.”

I hope you found this helpful!

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Wedding Speech For Sister Of The Bride: Outline

Looking for what to say in your speech or how to structure it? Take a look at this outline.

  • Introduce yourself: Always start with an introduction. Though everyone might know who you are, there are still some who would need the introduction.
  • Welcome guests and newlyweds: Continue by welcoming the couple, the guests that came to celebrate with you all, and thank them for attending.
  • Share some stories about the bride: Take a walk down your sisterly memory lane and share some jokes from your childhood. Non-fiction humor tends to be funnier and is the reason behind the phrase, “it’s funny because it’s true.”
  • Bragging Rights: You have the right to brag about your sister, especially on a day like this. So, pack on the flattery and gush about her until she blushes.
  • Say some words about the groom: If you share a bond, now will be the time to say a thing or two about that. You could also insert some anecdotes about when they met and say some nice things about his character too.
  • Recognize what makes your sister and her partner a great couple: Propose a toast to your sister, highlighting the good she has done, her love as a sister and just for the person that she is.
  • Talk about your parents: Don’t leave your parents out, they are part of the bigger picture. You could talk about a story that includes them, their reaction to meeting your new brother-in-law, etc.
  • Wish something to the couple or give advice: It could be comical, serious or something lighthearted you know they would love to hear.
  • End with a toast: Finish your speech with a toast to the newlyweds. Include all that you wish for them, and the love that you have for them.


What Not To Say In Brides’ Sister’s Speech

While it’s important to know what to say in your wedding speech and how to say it, knowing what not to say can also be helpful. Below you can find a list of some of the things that it is better not to use in your speech for your sister’s wedding day.

  • Do not add some bad memories: It’s a day of celebration. The last thing you want is to dredge up memories that will make your sister and the family unhappy. Focus on the good and enjoy a wonderful day.
  • Do not cry too much: While watching your sister get married and reliving your memories can be emotional, it’s important not to cry too much and ruin your makeup. More smiles and less tears, hopefully?
  • Do not joke too much: Humor is always good, but only in the right amount. When jokes are too much, they run the risk of crossing the line from funny to downright offensive, so try to find a balance.
  • Do not make it too long and boring: A speech should not be so long that guests get bored, or too short that they don’t get the message. Find that sweet spot around five to seven minutes long.
  • Do not mention the bride’s exes: A big no-no is bringing up the bride’s exes in your speech. They are in the past and belong there. Focus on the present.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you say in a sister of the bride speech?

Begin by expressing your joy and excitement for your sister’s special day. Share heartfelt anecdotes about your sister, highlighting her qualities and the bond you share. Extend warm wishes to the newlyweds and offer a toast to their love and happiness.

What can I say at my sister wedding?

Express your love and support for your sister on her wedding day. Acknowledge the significance of the moment and share a personal memory or sentiment. Convey your best wishes for her future happiness with her spouse.

What do you say at a siblings wedding?

Celebrate the union of your sibling by expressing your happiness and sharing stories that showcase the love between you and your sibling. Offer well-wishes for their journey ahead, and perhaps add a touch of humor or a heartfelt quote to make the speech memorable.

While family is dynamic and can be sometimes annoying, they are always there for you. This is also reflected in the relationships of sisters. The special bond makes the sister of the bride speech important on that special day. Avoid common wedding speech mistakes and use this guide to write and deliver the perfect sister of the bride speech.

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